Now is the Time for Broad and Bold Action on Postpartum Coverage

Texans Care for Children urges the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) to take broad and bold action in its recommendations on Postpartum Coverage. We respectfully ask you to recommend that Congress provide for the highest possible federal matching (FMAP) rate and provide clear expectations for states to take action for moms and babies.


A mother’s physical and mental health after pregnancy plays a big role in her own long-term health and her baby’s health and development. Unfortunately, one in four Texas women of childbearing age are uninsured and do not have regular access to health care. Maternal deaths and pregnancy complications remain a big concern in Texas, resulting in tragedy and long term health issues as well as higher health care costs for the state and federal government. What is at stake as MACPAC debates this important maternal health policy decision?

  • The health and lives of Texas mothers;

  • The health, lives, and brain development of infants and toddlers;

  • State and federal savings by preventing million-dollar stays in the NICU and other costs;

  • The opportunity to address racial disparities and inequities.

With its recommendation, MACPAC can facilitate a critical step in addressing our maternal health crisis. In doing so, the Commission would help make an investment in keeping moms alive, promoting the health and prosperity of families, and promoting a more equitable and effective health care system.