Texans Care for Children drives policy change to improve the
lives of Texas children today — for a stronger Texas tomorrow.

Listen & Analyze
Engage communities and conduct research to identify ways that state policies should change to ensure Texas kids and families succeed.

Build Support
Work with legislators, state officials, partners, the media, and youth and families to champion those policy solutions.

Get Results
Ensure state leaders take action to improve the lives of Texas kids and families.

Advocating for moms to receive the support they need for healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Fighting for children to have the health coverage they need and toddlers with disabilities to get Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services to reach their full potential.
Advocating for families to receive the support they need to prevent abuse or neglect and keep children safe with their families and out of foster care. Fighting for children in foster care to live in safe, nurturing homes with the support they need to heal and thrive.
Advocating for our youngest children to have access to high-quality early learning programs, including child care and pre-k, that help them start school ready to succeed. Fighting for students in early grades, including emergent bilingual students, to ensure they are strong readers by 3rd grade.
Advocating for all children to develop skills to manage anxiety, conflict, and other challenges. Fighting for parents to find effective, trauma-informed support for their children with more intensive mental health needs.

We are grateful to the everyday Texans whose financial contributions make our work possible and the foundations and corporations who support our work.
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