Advocating for families to receive the support they need to keep children safe and out of foster care and for children in foster care to heal and thrive.
We envision a Texas in which:
Families receive the support they need to prevent abuse or neglect and keep their children safe.
More children — particularly those from communities overrepresented in the foster care system — are able to stay safely with their families rather than entering foster care.
Children who do enter foster care live in safe, nurturing homes with the support they need to heal and thrive.


One way the Legislature can safely divert kids away from the foster care system is by providing funding so more kids can live with grandparents or other informal “kinship” caregivers when they can no longer stay with their parents.

Our work on Child Protection is led by Kate Murphy, our Director of Child Protection Policy. For more information, please contact her at kmurphy@txchildren.org.
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