During the 2025 legislative session, state lawmakers will have the opportunity to make significant headway on challenges facing Texas kids and families. Certain issues have emerged as higher profile priorities for this particular session, including […]
Our Director of Early Learning, David Feigen, testified to the Texas Senate Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee on November 14, 2024 as the Committee discussed ways to improve access to child care. During his […]
Updated Texas data and policy recommendations on child care, child hunger, health care, family-child interactions, and other early childhood experiences that shape school readiness.
What happened this session on health coverage, foster care, child care, pre-k, children's mental health, Early Childhood Intervention, and more.


Over 8,000 bills have been filed at the Texas Legislature for the current legislative session. There are a lot of good ones — and some concerning bills — but we want to highlight a dozen […]
Under federal law, if a mother is enrolled in Medicaid insurance when she delivers her baby, her newborn is eligible and must be automatically enrolled in Medicaid at birth and through the first full year […]
Medicaid, a federal-state partnership, offers health insurance to certain Texans who do not receive coverage through their family’s jobs and cannot afford to purchase private insurance. In Texas, Medicaid primarily provides health insurance to children, […]
HB 1996 by Rep. Ana Hernandez – and a provision in HB 2 by Rep. Brad Buckley – would make children with disabilities eligible for Texas pre-k, ensuring access to effective early intervention and instruction. […]
High-quality child care enables parents to work and provide their children with opportunities to learn, socialize, and build new skills during the critical age for brain development. Unfortunately, Texas is experiencing a child care crisis, […]
Today we are providing invited testimony to the Texas House Public Education Committee on House Bill 2, school funding legislation filed by Chairman Brad Buckley. HB 2 takes an important step forward, especially by providing […]





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