ECI Helps Toddlers with Disabilities Reach Developmental Goals

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) provides vital services to infants and toddlers under age three with disabilities and developmental delays, but underfunding is putting both providers and children at risk.

Research we conducted with multiple ECI providers during 2024 revealed a number of challenges in the program, including a shortfall between revenue for ECI and the actual expenditures. State funding per child for ECI has dropped by 38% since 2010 after accounting for inflation — and the Legislature has not updated Medicaid reimbursement rates for key ECI services since 2011.

One ECI provider explained that they are unable to give the children all the support they need, saying, “We are spread too thinly to do all that is required of an ECI program, especially during times of high turnover.

To ensure ECI programs can meet the growing demand and provide high-quality services, the Texas Legislature should provide adequate funding through two steps:

  • Adopt the Health and Human Services Commission’s request for funding for projected caseload growth (Exceptional Item #5 in their budget request).
  • Provide a 6% Medicaid reimbursement increase for key services like Specialized Skills Therapy (SST) and Targeted Case Management (TCM).

Read our full policy brief:

Let’s make sure that toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays are a priority for the Legislature this session!