How outdated and clunky is the state’s Medicaid enrollment system?
When families submit online applications and renewal forms for their kids’ health insurance, staff at the state’s Health and Human Services Commission have to manually re-enter the data into the system!
It’s no wonder that when families submit applications for Medicaid (or SNAP), they run into long delays, backlogs, and other problems.
That’s why we’re excited to see that state health officials are asking the Legislature to provide funding this session to finally bring the system into the 21st Century. The funding would improve the backend of the system (called TIERS) and the YourTexasBenefits website and app that families use.
This session is our shot to upgrade the system so it actually works for families and eligible kids can get the health care they need!
As Texans ramp up for the next legislative session, let’s make this one of the top priorities — and encourage state leaders to include the Medicaid enrollment system funding in the budget bill they introduce at the start of the session.
Let’s get this done for Texas kids!