Regular Educator Training is Needed to Help Prevent Youth Suicide


Experts in suicide prevention recommend annual suicide prevention training for educators and other school personnel who regularly interact with students. Texas currently requires schools to provide educators with suicide prevention training during new employee orientation, however, follow-up training is not required in law or rule. As suicide risk among Texas youth is on the rise, it is more critical than ever for educators to acquire and maintain the knowledge and skills needed to recognize suicide risk factors and warning signs in students and clearly understand their schools’ response procedures, referral protocols, and resources to prevent and address youth suicide.

HB 1144 by Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos would help protect students from suicide risk by ensuring educators not only receive training on suicide prevention during their new employee orientation, but that school districts and open-enrollment charter schools also provide educators with suicide prevention training at least once every two years so that educators can remain ready, confident, and equipped to assist students when needed

Our full testimony to the Texas House Public Education Committee regarding HB 1144 is below.