
Laws Address Mental Health Woes at School

Millions of Texas public school students have headed back to class, starting a school year that we hope will put each of them on track to reach their potential and continue our state's prosperity into the next generation. Many will have a better chance of succeeding now that the Texas Legislature has passed a number of bipartisan bills recognizing that backpacks and school supplies aren't the only things students bring with them to school.

Children Need Support Before They Reach Crisis

Texas lawmakers took important steps last session to protect children after a crisis in their lives becomes evident, but made little progress in keeping Texas kids out of these situations.

Despite Fryer Rules, Schools Must be Part of Obesity Strategy

While children are at school, and parents are not there to encourage them to take veggies over fries or milk over soda, they rely on schools to be a good partner in steering their children toward healthy choices.

Texas moms have a right to breastfeed

We often hear that being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Our elected leaders have the chance to make the job a littler easier for mothers who both work and breastfeed. Let's make sure that they do.

Expand Authority of State's Juvenile Justice Ombudsman

When disturbing reports of abuse in the state's juvenile justice facilities came to light eight years ago, the Texas Legislature moved quickly.

Navigating Texans Toward Health Coverage

By enrolling in coverage and encouraging others to do the same by the Feb. 15 deadline, we can ensure more people have peace of mind if they are in an accident or have a painful condition.