We drive policy change to improve the lives of Texas children today — for a stronger Texas tomorrow.

Medicaid, a federal-state partnership, offers health insurance to certain Texans who do not receive coverage through their family’s jobs and cannot afford to purchase private insurance. In Texas, Medicaid primarily provides health insurance to children, […]
In 2023, the Legislature passed SB 2120 to expand and improve legal representation for families in Child Protective Services (CPS) cases. But without funding, the law won’t help families.  To achieve the Legislature’s goal, this […]
High-quality child care enables parents to work and provide their children with opportunities to learn, socialize, and build new skills during the critical age for brain development. Unfortunately, Texas is experiencing a child care crisis, […]
Over 8,000 bills have been filed at the Texas Legislature for the current legislative session. There are a lot of good ones — and some concerning bills — but we want to highlight a dozen […]