The Administration Must End Family Separation at the Border

We are profoundly disturbed by the federal government’s decision to take children away from parents seeking to immigrate to the United States — including families legally pursuing asylum — and placing those children in detention facilities.

We recently joined with 540 other organizations from around the country in calling on the Administration to immediately end this policy, and we will continue to deliver that message.

We agree with our fellow Texan, Laura Bush, who described the current policy as “cruel” and “immoral.”

As children’s advocates, we know what the research says about the damage done to children by this kind of trauma. It can hurt children’s brain development, emotional development, and long-term physical and mental health. It can lead to significant behavior problems, difficulties at school, and more.

We have been deeply troubled by the stories of the infant taken away in the middle of breastfeeding, the parents who were denied a moment to comfort their panicked children, and the little girl who had no one to change her diapers except the children who happened to be confined behind the same chain link fence.

We all must continue to speak out against this policy.

We encourage you to call Congress today at 202-224-3121. Ask your Senators and Representative to push the Administration to reverse this policy. Urge them to support legislation to keep families together.

Thank you for standing up for children.