HB 41 Will Make Pre-k Even More Effective, Ensure More Kids Are Ready for Kindergarten


HB 41 by Rep. James Talarico will ensure pre-k class sizes and student-teacher ratios are manageable, meet national best practices, and create an optimal learning environment for children. Low class sizes and student-teacher ratios have been shown to boost pre-k programs’ effectiveness, helping more kids be ready for kindergarten and be on grade level in third grade. While state law sets a limit of 22 students per class for kindergarten through fourth grade, there is no statewide standard for pre-k class size or student-teacher ratios. A 2016 report commissioned by the Texas Education Agency recommended a maximum of 22 students and no more than 11 students for each teacher or aide in a classroom with more than 15 students. HB 41 would enact that recommendation to give kids a more enriching early education.

You can read our full testimony to the Texas House Public Education Committee below: