Statement on the Texas House Plan on Healthcare

For Immediate Release
Contact: Peter Clark,, 512-473-2274

Austin – Today, Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan and other state legislators held a press conference to announce “The Texas House Plan on Healthcare” for this legislative session. The plan included HB 290 and HB 133, both of which passed the Texas House Human Services Committee yesterday. Additional information on HB 133 is available here and additional information on HB 290 is available here.


Following the press conference, Stephanie Rubin, CEO of Texans Care for Children, issued the following statement:

“We’re thrilled to see that leaders of the Texas House are committed to passing critical health care legislation this session!

“We’re very pleased that legislative leaders’ health care plan includes HB 290 by Rep. Philip Cortez, which ensures currently eligible children can stay enrolled in their health coverage; HB 133 by Rep. Toni Rose, which ensures moms with little babies can keep their health insurance for a full year; and other important health care bills discussed today. We’re disappointed that today’s announcement did not include an endorsement of Medicaid expansion or other proposals to draw down billions in federal funding and offer a health coverage option to adults with low incomes, although we’re pleased to hear that the Speaker expects the House to consider the issue this session.

“We are very grateful to Speaker Phelan, Chairman Frank, the bill authors, and the other House members for the strong commitment they are making today to advance these important bills for healthier moms, babies, and kids. We’re ready to work with the House, the Senate, and the Governor to help them move these bills quickly through the legislative process and ensure they become law. If they are successful, it will represent a critical step forward for health care in Texas.”