New Website to Help Texans as Medicaid Renewals Restart

We need all hands on deck to make sure that Texas kids and moms don’t suddenly lose health coverage after the state begins rechecking Medicaid eligibility on April 1st. 

Medicaid renewals have been on hold across the country for three years. The confusion and chaos of restarting that process — on top of the state’s rushed plan and ongoing delays processing Medicaid applications — could leave a lot of Texans without the health coverage they need.

To help Texans enrolled in Medicaid know what to expect and what to do in the coming weeks — and to help community organizations and others working with Texans enrolled in Medicaid — we’ve launched 

We encourage you to use the website and share it with your networks.


In particular, the information on the website is for:

  • moms who may lose Medicaid for Pregnant Women because they are no longer eligible and need to transition to a different program, and 
  • the parents and caregivers of kids who may lose Children’s Medicaid because of confusion about the renewal process or because they are no longer eligible and need to transition to a different program.

Note that Texans enrolled in Medicaid programs for seniors or for Texans with disabilities, such as STAR Kids and STAR Plus, are most likely not affected by the new Medicaid rules that start April 1st.

In addition to providing Texans information on how to navigate these new Medicaid rules, the new website also provides a way to submit information to us on any recurring challenges as the state begins re-checking eligibility. (Texans who need assistance with their individual cases should contact the HHSC Ombudsman or their state legislators.) 

We want to thank the Episcopal Health Foundation and St. David’s Foundation for their support for this project. We’re also grateful to our partners at Children’s Defense Fund-Texas, Every Texan, and the Texas Association of Community Health Centers for collaborating with us on this project.

Thank you for working with us to get the word out to Texans about how to get the health care they need!